
Pedro Point Headlands Workday

Make a difference and come to the beautiful Pedro Point Headlands for a workday from 10am to 1pm on the fourth Sunday of the month.

Steve Diers, our Stewardship/Volunteer Coordinator, will lead us onto the Arroyo Trail to make repairs to the water bars. We will use a myriad of hand tools to squelch the invaders. This includes cutting back the vegetation to where the water bars daylight away from the trail tread. As the grade (steepness) of a trail increases so does the velocity of the water flow and the amount of erosion havoc. Water bars divert water off the trail which prevents future erosion. Also, on this or future workdays, we may plant native species in some areas that we’re restoring from motorcycle damage, depending on the outlook for rain.

Retired Ranger/Naturalist of 39 years, Steve Diers and John Keener will share information on plants and animals at Pedro Point Headlands, including the nests of the dusky footed wood rat.

Pacific Land Trust Steward Volunteers are pleasantly surprised by how good they feel, both physically, and mentally, after spending the day working with great people in a beautiful setting on such worthwhile land stewardship and trail maintenance projects. 

Projects will be performed in a variety of weather conditions, including light rain and in areas where poison oak and ticks may occur. Be prepared and take appropriate precautions: 

• Dress in layers and wear closed toe shoes, long pants, long sleeve shirts. 

• Bring: a backpack, water, gloves, insect repellent and sunscreen.

• Tools, gloves, and extra water will be provided.

Everyone practice social distancing. Bathrooms are not available on site.

Volunteers under 18 years of age need written permission from a parent or guardian, and an adult must accompany those under 16. 

We hope to keep the fourth Sunday of the month as our volunteers’ workday for the coming months (excluding December). Monthly notices are emailed 1 week prior to the workday and posted on the PLT website.

Access Pedro Point Headlands one of three ways:

1. By the informal trail (Future Coastal Trail) leaving from Ace Hardware (about 1 mile hike in)

2. By parking at the Devil’s Slide parking lot north of the tunnels and walking 1/4 mile north up the access trail

3. Through the “green gate” just north of the Devil’s Slide parking lot and driving up a short hill to the meeting area at the main trailhead (see attached map).

John Keener
President, Pacifica Land Trust

Steve Diers
Volunteer Coordinator, Pacifica Land Trust

Selected Past Events Archive

left to right: Jenn Grady, California State Parks OHV Grants Manager, Hilary Walecka, California Coastal Commission, Central Coast Project Manager; John Keener, Mayor of the City of Pacifica; Tina Wehrmeister, City of Pacifica Planning Director; Kevin Woodhouse, City of Pacifica City Manager; Bonny O’Connor, City of Pacifica Assistant Planner; Don Horsley, County of San Mateo District 3 Supervisor.

Photo by Stephen Johnson.


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